OTR Bristol Training for Senior Mental Health Leads

Resilience Lab: A whole-school approach to mental health

Dates & Times

Full Days:
10th & 11th September 2024 | 10am - 4pm

To complete this course you will attend either 2x full days.

Resilience Lab: a whole-school approach to mental health is designed for the professional development of Senior Mental Health Leads. OTR Bristol understands the challenges schools are facing in the current mental health crisis.

This training addresses the problems around:

  • Capacity - SMHL will be able to train other staff members to deliver support. 

  • Confidence - SMHL will receive guidance and tools to make informed decisions and appropriate referrals. 

  • Insufficient knowledge - SMHL will gain a rich foundational knowledge of young peoples’ mental health and practical knowledge of referral options. 

On completion participants will have:

  • the ability to support others to improve their Mental Health 

  • the ability to make changes at school

  • an increased understanding of their own resilience 

  • a nuanced and person-centred understanding of young people’s mental health

  • awareness of the types of Mental Health support available locally

  • confidence to make referrals

  • practical skills, strategies and tools to devise a whole-school approach

  • a plan to review and update the whole-school approach

We want schools to proactively promote resilience in students as opposed to responding once an individual reaches the point of crisis,to integrate resilience into the working culture of a school and to understand the level of intervention necessary.

This course is designed to meet the DfE’s Learning Outcomes for Senior Mental Health Leads in accordance with the eight key principles of a whole-school approach as set out by Public Health England:









Who is this course for

Our Course is suitable for those who are newly appointed to the role of Senior Mental Health Lead or those who are looking to take on this role in the near future.

Cost: £595pp

NB: Includes 3x follow up facilitated group mentoring and coaching sessions looking at individual plans created in the training and reflection on progress, with support from trainer.

Places are limited to a maximum of 12 delegates per course to ensure high quality, bespoke training.

How to book

If you would like to book a DfE funded place on one of the upcoming courses, please follow these steps to ensure you access funding:

1. Check the eligibility of your school or FE college on the Department for Education’s terms and conditions and complete the step 1 DfE grant funding form

2. You will then receive confirmation that they successfully received your application, and to book a DfE quality assured training course. Book your place on the Resilience Lab: A whole-school approach to mental health training by clicking the links below or email us directly diffusion@otrbristol.org.uk if you would prefer to pay via invoice. The DfE funding Code for OTR Bristol’s course is: SMHL135 and is a beginner course. Please retain evidence of your booking, as it will be needed to claim your grant.

3. Once you have booked a place on the course, Schools and Colleges who are eligible to apply for the funding will need to step 2 submit proof of booking to the DfE as well as the course code as part of their grant application, The DfE funding Code for this course is: SMHL135. The DfE wishes to reassure learners that your grant is reserved once you’ve successfully completed the first form confirming your eligibility (the DfE has so far honoured every grant application made, and retrospective payment of grants is normal practice).

  • OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset. We offer organisations CPD training for the growth and learning of their staff. Our training is particularly well placed for individuals and teams who work directly with young people.

    Our aim is to give people the confidence, knowledge and skills to improve our collective mental health. OTR has provided wellbeing information and support for over 55 years and offers a unique take on mental health to offer engaging, relevant and practical training.

  • OTR Bristol delivers training for Senior Mental Health Leads in schools and colleges which have been approved against Department for Education quality criteria and will be fully funded for eligible schools and colleges by their grant funding. The DfE provides a funding grant (£1200 per setting) for schools and colleges to train Senior Mental Health Leads from September 2021 onwards, and On 12th May 2022 the DfE announced a further £7m in grant funding for the financial year 2022-23 for senior leads who meet the eligibility criteria to proceed to book a course. Funding will be allocated to settings on a first-come-first-served basis and the intention is to ultimately offer all further funding grants to facilitate training for all state funded schools and colleges by 2025. Further details about Grant eligibility and how to apply for the funding are available on the gov.uk site here. Our highly-acclaimed course meets the DfE’s criteria for the ‘Learning outcomes for senior mental health leads’, and schools and colleges will be able to apply for this course to be fully funded as part of the £1200 grant, and, as our course only costs £595, the remaining £605 is permitted to be used by settings in any of the following ways:

    • for supply cover for the senior mental health lead, should a school or college need to backfill a senior lead while undertaking training

    • to fund further training, activity or resources that supports the development of a senior mental health lead, and contributes to the implementation of an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing in a setting including: additional courses or coaching that support the further development of the senior mental health lead, enabling them to establish, implement or sustain a whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing

    • external support to assess your existing school or college approach to promoting and supporting mental health, to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement

    • online resources and toolkits that support the senior lead, or other staff, to embed, sustain or otherwise improve the effectiveness of their whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing (many resources are available for free)

    • other activities by the senior lead within their setting that focus on raising wider awareness and understanding of their whole school or college approach to better promote and support mental health (eg promotion materials or awareness sessions for education staff)

Course details